..... only a mouse or two, plus the buzzards I see every day when we are at the gardens. I've not seen any snakes yet this year except the harmless little grass snakes. Oh but we have seen lots of Black Widow spiders recently, especially on and near the tomato and pepper plants. I keep my gloves on just so I don't get a needless bite from one or from ants too. I read somewhere that these fire ants have been pretty instrumental in causing the widespread demise of the rattlesnake in particular and other snakes as well. I suppose they get into the snakes' dens and kill and eat the eggs.
We see deer on average of 2 or 3 days but only far off in the distance as we are approaching the garden entrance.
It's not exactly wild wildlife, but just a bit ago I saw a male sparrow doing its courting dance and song. The poor guy went on for quite a time before the female who had been preening herself just up and flew off. It really is quite a show that the male sparrows put on for their potentials. I guess birds are the most animals I see these days. The swallows that used to come here seem to have left. It's just been too dry I suppose. But I do notice some stragglers flying up near the tops of these high mast lights when we go out in the morning. And the other place I still see swallows is at a single tree that is just inside the garden gate but before we get down to the fields. This big old oak tree is also the site of the Scissor Tails I've told you of......
Notes and comments from a field worker in Texas, USA on the natural world around him.
On the edge of Texas...
TDCJ owns many thousands of acres of Texas, where unpaid field worker crews raise and harvest crops and keep the grass, ditches and scrubland clear. Few outsiders have access to these areas, so the wildlife is more abundant.
This blog features occasional vignettes of the wildlife that one worker sees, close to the Louisiana border in East Texas. All of the written text belongs to the author, please do not reproduce without permission. All images are credited.
This blog features occasional vignettes of the wildlife that one worker sees, close to the Louisiana border in East Texas. All of the written text belongs to the author, please do not reproduce without permission. All images are credited.
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