On the edge of Texas...

TDCJ owns many thousands of acres of Texas, where unpaid field worker crews raise and harvest crops and keep the grass, ditches and scrubland clear. Few outsiders have access to these areas, so the wildlife is more abundant.

This blog features occasional vignettes of the wildlife that one worker sees, close to the Louisiana border in East Texas. All of the written text belongs to the author, please do not reproduce without permission. All images are credited.

Saturday, 21 December 2013

24 November 2013

....if I'd seen any beautiful sights lately. Well now that you ask, yes I have. This morning's sunrise was the lovliest in weeks. The skies for now are relatively clear since they have been overcast for days and really for weeks we've had rainy weather. But this morning there were strips of clouds running parallel to the horizon and as the sun rose these tiers of clouds lit up in alternating varieties of spendorous color. It was a blessing from above, so to speak. And due solely to this abundance of rain water over the last month and a half, our trees have the most color I've seen in my seven years here at Tennessee Colony. No real deep reds as you would see in the Maples which we have none of. But an unusual auburn in the oaks and elms and such a gold of which I've never seen anywhere in my travels.....

......Then as I was walking back from supper I looked out the hallway windows towards the southwest and the incoming clouds of which I know are typical of snow producers, rolling along like many small balls of cotton. The visual of course was beautiful but the promise of snow later on is of course what we all dream about at this time of year.